domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

Insecurity and Confusion... :S (first part)

Hey people!!! There is a cute guy or girl that you like and you think he or she likes you but you are afraid of doing something and he or she doesn't do anything??? I'll give you an example... I'm better explaining myself with that lol.
There is a guy in my class named Diego. He is very nice with me and we always walk home together, he even changed his daily route for me. Since the first day I saw him I thought he was very nice and cute... and I liked him, and I noticed he was always staring at me and I thought maybe I liked him too, my friends thought that too... but it was difficult to guess. Here is one problem and a mistake many people make. There can be many options:
  1. He likes me
  2. He thinks I'm nice
  3. He wants me as a friend
  4. He thinks I'm beautiful
  5. I don't like him or he thinks I'm silly or he just hates me
  6. Or he is thinking of nothing

Here is the prob, never go to the first option because if then you find out it isn't true you are gonna be sad or something. The second option is probable IF you notice he or she is having a good time with you and you are always talking and laughing and that kind of things. The third one if you are completely sure about the second one ask him or her if the talk alows it "Do you consider me a friend?" And listen carefully to the answer and how he or she takes it and value it (I can't tell you exactly because I don't know the person and everyone acts different). Then the fourth one... well that's a difficult one... maybe you don't consider yourself beautiful eventhough you are, or you are not VERY beautiful but you think you are a model, but I can just tell you this everyone is beautiful in their own way, you can have a nice smile, nice eyes, or hot body... that depends on you and the person. The fifth one, well... if you have the answer to the second and the third one then I don't have to explain anything to you. And maybe you ARE silly or act like a child but, he thinks you are nice so what's the problem? And the last one... it's posible, sometimes we just stare at "nothing" and we give another impression... or he or she doesn't even notice that he or she is looking at you, or maybe he or she is staring at someone else...

Well guys this is a long long topic, specially because of the little advices and the examples. So I'll post the rest later or tomorrow (because I know its tiring to read everything in one sit and it's tiring to write all this lol). I hope this can help you a little. Don't forget to smile :D

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010


"You will miss me next year..." "You'll suffer a lot next year with your teacher..." Those were her favorite phrases to scare me, but she doesn't know that she never scared me I'm ready for 9th grade...
Here is the story... since 7th grade I got a subject named Literature. I really enjoy reading and when I heard I was having that subject I was excited. My class didn't have the same teacher the others groups had, I got a different teacher, she tought to 8th grade too. I don't hate teachers unless I have a reason to hate them, and in this case I had it... For a strange reason that teacher hates me since the first day of 7th grade, and I don't know why... I never talked to her and I was good at her subject, I liked to answer every question she asked... She just didn't like me. I didn't care in the beggining until she got into my nerves, she told me off for everything even things I didn't do. She ignored me when I wanted to participate and everything. I was like okay, so I won't participate anymore, and she always asked me things I didn't know when she told me to participate! I started to hate her. When the finals were coming, I knew I didn't excent her final exam, but there were other ways to excent her subject, one was by Enlace (Here in Mexico we present an exam that includes three subjects spanish, Maths, and History. This exam is to see how high the level of the school is and the level of knowledge of the students) If in the Enlace in the spanish test I got a higher mark than 9 I could excent spanish and literature!!! And thank god I got 9.5. When we were kindda reviewing for her final exam, she said that the students that excent to don't take notes, but anyway I just wrote down important things. Then I raised my hand and asked if I could go to the restroom and she said no, and then she asked "did you excent" and I said "yes" and she asked "why?" And I just said "I got 9.5 in Enlace" and she said, "I don't agree with that, if I would have knew it before I would have made something so you wouldn't excent." I was so angry! I felt my cheeks burning! One friend whispered "Breathe Anny, breathe" I just nodded and let it go...
And then when I went to 8th grade I just begged god to change the teacher... but I knew it will never happen, so I tried to just be cool and tried to breath everytime she ignored me or told me something. Some days ago the finals started and this time I excented her subject without Enlace's help; I finished my guide just like everyone and the teacher checked it, she gave me a ten and I went to my sit. I didn't have anything else to do, so I just got into my own little happy world and stared at nothing. I hadn't noticed that my friend sitting by my side was talking to me until I heard "Anaid! Stop talking and sit correctly, if you continue with that attitude I will give you a 5 in conduct now so you won't excent!" I didn't know what was going on I was like what!? but i just nodded and said "Okay" I was very calmed. I think she got angry, but I didn't care. I felt happy because 9th grade was coming soon and I won't see that teacher again...
So if you have a crazy teacher like mine... keep it cool and don't give a lot of importance to her or him... just be happy!!!!

jueves, 10 de junio de 2010


Why sometimes everyone hates each other??? Haven't it happened to you? You have a normal day at school but suddenly you listen someone that says that she or he hates you... and you are like why? And then you find out that maybe she or he hates you because you are stronger, prettier, thin, etc... And I just can get it, why doesn't people love themselves the way they are, why do we want something we don't have and others do? It's just stupid to think that way. We have to love ourselves! Don't envy other people. We are the ones that put ourselves a price and a value, if we think someone is better than us (sometimes its true) they will, we have to value ourselves with our acts, feelings, thoughts. How much do you value yourself?
Stop staring at other people, stop worring about how they look, stop worrying about their problems, stop worrying about their acts... just worry about YOU and no one else!!! Find yourself a life and enjoy it!
If someone envy you, just act normally be the way you are. Try to talk to that person and if it doesn't work, don't worry, just think that they don't own a proper life to care about and be happy.

sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

Mean people doesn´t exist, just if you want them too...

Hey there!!! Have you ever met someone that you really don't like because you think there's something wrong there? Well, I guess that this had happened to everyone... to me too. There was a girl in my classroom that I didn't like, I thought she was mean and she wanted to call everyone's attention. She bothered and criticized people and everyone listened to her and laughed with her. I really didn't like her, not even her friend, she was like a fashion girl and she seemed to only care about her problems, she was kind of hypocrite... well actually both of them looked that way. And they kindda hated me because I didn't like how they treated people and everytime they bothered someone I was like "Hey, look at your face first". And they weren't the only ones, other guys too, I tried to just ignore them... but one day one friend invite me to Starbucks and I was like okay, and the fashion girl was there too, she arrived after us and sat with us and some friends, her ex-boyfriend was with us too... but anyway, when everyone left I stayed with the girl and another friend (I didn't talked to him a lot but now it is like wow). We started talking about her ex-boyfriend and I discovered that she is a nice girl, she has problems too, she hardly trust someone, she is funny, maybe she is quite hypocrite; but honestly everyone is kindda hypocrite these days. Before I stayed alone with them, one of my friends that was there too, was a good friend of that fashion girl and when she left I told her "Please don't leave me alone with them" and she looked at me and said "Hey, give them a chance, they are nice persons" And I see she was right, just give a chance to people.
And about the other girl... I arrived early to school, I entered into the classroom and tried to turn on the light, but nothing happened. I sat in the dark listening to music form my cellphone, Greenday, Guns & Roses, Simple plan... And suddenly she arrived. I felt kindda incomfortable, she just left her schoolbag and went outside the room. I kept listening to music and she came in again and sat on the floor. I looked at her and she looked at me, we waved at each other and say "Hi". Suddenly she told me, "Can I see what tracks you have?" And I said "Sure". After some seconds she told me "Will you send me some songs?" For me it was weird to hear those words coming out form her, I thought she wouldn't like my music, but I said "Yeah, sure" And I discovered we liked almost the same music, she is more like pop rock and I'm like hard rock, classical rock and a little bit of pop... but more rock than pop. And suddenly we started talking and she asked me "Why do you like twilight so much?" (For the ones that doesn't know I love twilight saga, and all my classmates know it, but they don't like twilight) I couldn´t beleive she was asking me that, it was pretty weird for me and I said "I like the story, it's something new, not the same Dracula stuff. I like the books, the author, and the actors... I think they are great" And she said "Yes that's a good point, the actors. But the good vampires and the bad, the modified vampires sound cool, but it's weird. And anyway... I don't like love stories that much". I looked at her and smiled "That's the problem then, maybe you'll prefer eclipse, honestly I didn't like twilight that much, it wasn't what I expected, but it's getting much better" She nodded and said "Yeah, maybe"
And then when the light came back everyone started to arrive. The friend I was with in the Starbucks the week before arrived too, (she was the one that told me to give a chance to people), she looked at us talking and smiled. She was glad I listened to her, and I was glad too. I decided to ask the girl sitting by my side "Why do you hate me?" and she said "I don't hate you, it's just we don't talk that much it's like Hello, Goodbye. We have like different tastes" I smiled and nodded "Yes, that's true". I kept sending her music and the bell rang when I sent her the last song. And we said "Just in time" and went to our seats when the teacher came in.
I really think that sometimes we just made up ideas about other people in our heads without knowing them well. And it's true, MEAN PEOPLE DOESN´T EXIST, JUST IF YOU WANT THEM TOO... SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE A CHANCE TO PEOPLE...

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

You aren´t sure if your friend is really your friend?

This kind of things happen all the time...
She says she is my friend, but she never listens to me
She says she is my friend, but she always gossips about me.
She says she is my friend, but she is always lying to me.
She says she is my friend, but she is girlfriend of the guy she knew I loved!!!
Then you´ll go home and start crying because that bitch was very mean and rude to you, she made or said something you didn´t expect. And then you´ll say... "Why? How could she do that? I´ve always been a good friend, nice and kind with her. Oh God, please help me!"
But heyyyyy... hold on second. how many times did she make the same to you? Hahahaha, one?! Yeah, sure. nobody will beleive you. I bet that this started since you met her, and you´ve been accepting her apologies and trusting her. And you are still, "friends"? You really think that bitch is your friend? Oh, men! Come one girl open your eyes, she will never ever be your friend! If you were thinking about talking to her again and accepting her apology... Dude! you know why she keeps doing the same to you? Because you are letting her do it to you! You are just humilating yourself. It´s okay to be nice and kind, but not with everyone. Don´t you wnat to be happy? Then be brave, and learn to defend yourself, be sweet when you really need to. What do you think about all this?

(By the way if you have more problems with frienship or you are confused go to this blog:

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

You failed a very important exam?

Today was a very important exam for you, and you needed to pass it... and if you failed your parents will kill you and punish you, maybe by not going out for... let´s say... the rest of your life?
Hmm... maybe you are thinking about hiding the exam, or breaking it, or change your grade, not bad ideas at all, but what if someone catch you? What will you do? Cry? Lie? Try to correct your mistake... no it´s to late for that, crap you wish you hadn´t do it.
This teaches us an important lesson, if you fail just accept your grade and talk to your parents so they won´t be so angry, they´ll be happy that you are honest and maybe they´ll give you another chance. If you have a problem, don´t get yourself in more troubles, if you want to be happy you´ll follow this advice.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Today is your birthday?

Hello!!! Today is your birthday and everyone forgot? Aww... and now you are sad because you think no one cares about it. And then you get angry; why? Because you always remember your friends' birthdays and they never remember yours... Well yes that is a reason to feel that way, but hey maybe they do remember it and they are planning to give you a surprise, or maybe they lost their cellphones and they couldn´t send you a text message, don´t feel miserable just because of that. Don´t forget that you´ll always be in someone´s mind.
And if your birthday is this week... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

:D Hey

Hey you! Yes you, behind the screen. How many times have you been angry today? I guess a lot. And how many times did you laugh or at least smiled? One? Maybe two? If your answer is less than five... believe me... you suck. And why haven´t you laugh? Problems at work, school, and at home? Yep, a crappy day.

You know what... send everyone that try to make you feel angry, sad, and upset to HELL!!! Crap! Don´t listen to them, they are just weirdos that doesn´t have anything intresting to do, or people that are miserable and want to ruin your life too!!!

Life is too beautiful, and you know why? Because you have to be happy, to laugh, and smile! If you waste it by being angry... honestly... you are an idiot.
Well, anyway, if you have a hard day, enter to this blog I´m sure it´ll make your day.
For the people that visit it I only ask for one thing... if you have a joke or a funny moment... share it, so you can make someone else´s day.

(Sorry if I was a little bit rude, it made me laugh when I wrote it, haha. For some people it might sound funny and for other ones it´ll be insulting; but always find the positive way.)