"You will miss me next year..." "You'll suffer a lot next year with your teacher..." Those were her favorite phrases to scare me, but she doesn't know that she never scared me I'm ready for 9th grade...
Here is the story... since 7th grade I got a subject named Literature. I really enjoy reading and when I heard I was having that subject I was excited. My class didn't have the same teacher the others groups had, I got a different teacher, she tought to 8th grade too. I don't hate teachers unless I have a reason to hate them, and in this case I had it... For a strange reason that teacher hates me since the first day of 7th grade, and I don't know why... I never talked to her and I was good at her subject, I liked to answer every question she asked... She just didn't like me. I didn't care in the beggining until she got into my nerves, she told me off for everything even things I didn't do. She ignored me when I wanted to participate and everything. I was like okay, so I won't participate anymore, and she always asked me things I didn't know when she told me to participate! I started to hate her. When the finals were coming, I knew I didn't excent her final exam, but there were other ways to excent her subject, one was by Enlace (Here in Mexico we present an exam that includes three subjects spanish, Maths, and History. This exam is to see how high the level of the school is and the level of knowledge of the students) If in the Enlace in the spanish test I got a higher mark than 9 I could excent spanish and literature!!! And thank god I got 9.5. When we were kindda reviewing for her final exam, she said that the students that excent to don't take notes, but anyway I just wrote down important things. Then I raised my hand and asked if I could go to the restroom and she said no, and then she asked "did you excent" and I said "yes" and she asked "why?" And I just said "I got 9.5 in Enlace" and she said, "I don't agree with that, if I would have knew it before I would have made something so you wouldn't excent." I was so angry! I felt my cheeks burning! One friend whispered "Breathe Anny, breathe" I just nodded and let it go...
And then when I went to 8th grade I just begged god to change the teacher... but I knew it will never happen, so I tried to just be cool and tried to breath everytime she ignored me or told me something. Some days ago the finals started and this time I excented her subject without Enlace's help; I finished my guide just like everyone and the teacher checked it, she gave me a ten and I went to my sit. I didn't have anything else to do, so I just got into my own little happy world and stared at nothing. I hadn't noticed that my friend sitting by my side was talking to me until I heard "Anaid! Stop talking and sit correctly, if you continue with that attitude I will give you a 5 in conduct now so you won't excent!" I didn't know what was going on I was like what!? but i just nodded and said "Okay" I was very calmed. I think she got angry, but I didn't care. I felt happy because 9th grade was coming soon and I won't see that teacher again...
So if you have a crazy teacher like mine... keep it cool and don't give a lot of importance to her or him... just be happy!!!!
Here is the story... since 7th grade I got a subject named Literature. I really enjoy reading and when I heard I was having that subject I was excited. My class didn't have the same teacher the others groups had, I got a different teacher, she tought to 8th grade too. I don't hate teachers unless I have a reason to hate them, and in this case I had it... For a strange reason that teacher hates me since the first day of 7th grade, and I don't know why... I never talked to her and I was good at her subject, I liked to answer every question she asked... She just didn't like me. I didn't care in the beggining until she got into my nerves, she told me off for everything even things I didn't do. She ignored me when I wanted to participate and everything. I was like okay, so I won't participate anymore, and she always asked me things I didn't know when she told me to participate! I started to hate her. When the finals were coming, I knew I didn't excent her final exam, but there were other ways to excent her subject, one was by Enlace (Here in Mexico we present an exam that includes three subjects spanish, Maths, and History. This exam is to see how high the level of the school is and the level of knowledge of the students) If in the Enlace in the spanish test I got a higher mark than 9 I could excent spanish and literature!!! And thank god I got 9.5. When we were kindda reviewing for her final exam, she said that the students that excent to don't take notes, but anyway I just wrote down important things. Then I raised my hand and asked if I could go to the restroom and she said no, and then she asked "did you excent" and I said "yes" and she asked "why?" And I just said "I got 9.5 in Enlace" and she said, "I don't agree with that, if I would have knew it before I would have made something so you wouldn't excent." I was so angry! I felt my cheeks burning! One friend whispered "Breathe Anny, breathe" I just nodded and let it go...
And then when I went to 8th grade I just begged god to change the teacher... but I knew it will never happen, so I tried to just be cool and tried to breath everytime she ignored me or told me something. Some days ago the finals started and this time I excented her subject without Enlace's help; I finished my guide just like everyone and the teacher checked it, she gave me a ten and I went to my sit. I didn't have anything else to do, so I just got into my own little happy world and stared at nothing. I hadn't noticed that my friend sitting by my side was talking to me until I heard "Anaid! Stop talking and sit correctly, if you continue with that attitude I will give you a 5 in conduct now so you won't excent!" I didn't know what was going on I was like what!? but i just nodded and said "Okay" I was very calmed. I think she got angry, but I didn't care. I felt happy because 9th grade was coming soon and I won't see that teacher again...
So if you have a crazy teacher like mine... keep it cool and don't give a lot of importance to her or him... just be happy!!!!